Terrible excuse? Yes.
True? Definitely.
What am I talking about? being busy
WOTD: ocupado (masculine)/ocupada (feminine: me): busy
VERY similar to the pronunciation of avocado. Just with "o-coo" at the beginning.
But we're all ocupado these days, right? Everyone is always saying how ocupado they are, but we still get the stuff we want to do done. Or do we? Because I DO want to write in this blog. I do. I do. I haven't said that so much since I got married.
So I will. I will stop saying how ocupada I am, and I will start doing.
I like 2012 so far. It feels like it's going to be a good year. As long as I'm ocupada with the things I want to be ocupada with, it should stay that way!
p.s. You might have noticed by looking at the photo that ocupado is used for bathrooms when they are occupied! If someone knocks on the door, you say, "Ocupado!"
I remember not knowing what to exclaim when I first moved here. Not that people knock on bathroom doors all the time, but I remember just staying quiet. The silent treatment. Shhhh...she will go away. I think I even said, "Sí!" a few times. "Yes?" Like I was expecting them to ask me a question? Ah...from now on it's "Ocupado!" because I most certainly will be ocupada.